In the same spirit as the early pioneers

Anthony Cheffings late father, Joe, arrived in Kenya in 1952. He arrived as a 17-year-old lad, looking for new land with fresh promise. After several years of farming coffee, he became involved with wildlife and tourism. Joe led professional hunting safaris in Kenya for a number of years before moving to photographic and adventure safaris. But he never lost the original wonderful flavor of the traditional safari atmosphere from bygone eras.

Anthony Cheffings learned much from his father in these years growing up in the outdoor safari environment through the 1970s and ’80s. Lasting friendships were made equally with the traditional Masai elders of the open spaces and wilderness areas as with the descendants of Kenya’s original colonial settlers.

Only a fool is uncomfortable in the bush!” ~Joe Cheffings

Highly personalized safari experiences luxurious safari accommodation in the remote wilderness surrounded by wildlife and traditional cultures are all reminiscent of these traditional safari experiences from Kenya’s rich history. We seek out the remote and beautiful places, rich in wildlife, birdlife, and culture, and overflowing with thrilling African experiences.

With more than 30 years of experience traveling throughout Africa, Anthony loves to share his experiences with other people, and will often be leading safaris personally. Anthony is qualified at the very highest level available in Kenya. As a ‘Gold’ level member of the Kenya Professional Safari Guides Association (KPSGA), he is one of a very select group of guides in Kenya. Anthony now sits on the examination board of the KPSGA which is devoted to raising the standards of all guides in Kenya.

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